Claire and Joanie are twins, for as long as they can remember, their dream has been to own a business together.
The Yoga Chapple was born in Stratford Ontario , October 2017.
Claire with a background in sales and marketing uses her skills to create amazing engaging content and inspiring events. Her interest in the nervous system and the effects that restorative yoga and mindful movement have on the body have created her style of teaching.
Joanie has always been interested in how the body moves. Her yoga career started 15 years ago. Her interest in moving the body in functional ways has lead her into many different trainings that explore the bodies range of movement. Her unique skill of “sewing” all she learns into her classes makes for a full body, fun one of a kind movement experience. Joanie a Fashion and Graphic design graduate from Ryerson University, uses her skills to make a lot of the YC created products and online content..
We are grateful for each other. We are grateful for the town we live in. We are grateful for our community. It’s hard to describe how much love there is around us. We are very excited to be part of the growing town and community of St Marys.
Claire Chapple
Owner and Teacher
Claire has been practicing yoga for more then 10 years. Travel, love of literature and art has shaped who she is and this shows through her style of teaching. A graduate of Brad Seftels 200h YTT in Dec 2017, Love your brain training 100h, and Yin/Restorative Yoga 100h.
She is super grateful to be surrounded by some of the best yoga teachers in Stratford to learn and grow from. Her interest in advertising and sales makes her the strong second half to The Yoga Chapple.
Her take on slow gentle movements mixed with propped up restorative poses keeps the body working just enough to let go into ease.
Joanie Chapple
Owner and Teacher
Joanie has been teaching and practicing yoga for the past 15 years. Joanie is a certified in Hatha Yoga-500h, Hot Yoga 500h, Vinyasana-200h, YIN,/restorative yoga-200h, Hot Yoga Level II, 200h C.O.R.E cycling/interval cycle training, animal flow level I, DTS level one personal trainer, Kettle bell teacher 100h, Level one Movement Method with Matt Phippen.
She studied in Northern India for two months with her teacher Btu, an Iyengar trained hatha yoga teacher
HIs motto: “every class you teach will be different, as is every moment, student, and time of day, it all changes.”
Her meditation discipline is in the Vipassana style. She sat her first 10-day silent sit in 2011.
Joanie knows first hand that the practice of asana (poses) with meditation can benefit anyone’s life.