Mixing up your CORE workout, this is one to try ;/
tell us how it goes :) vxo
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Mixing up your CORE workout, this is one to try ;/
tell us how it goes :) vxo
There is this space between us
liberating and expansive
We reach out and stretch out, we have room to breath
SPACE can also be deafening
we realize our size in relation to the universe
isolated we can feel small and over whelmed surrounded by this emptiness of contact
safety in the one and the many is the distance between us
i accept my discomfort in my distance
for the distance between the one is the many
How are you motivated?
For a long time guilt and shame motivated me - and while those emotions work and get me going, it’s not the best way for my mental health. Can I change the record and be motivated to be a master at something? Step by step see progress and let progress be the motivation? Let us know what motivates you? Let’s discuss what positive changes we can make to keep us going forward, little by little :) VXO THE YC