Full Moon in Gemini


Full Moon vibes

We have made it to the last Full moon of 2021. The cold moon is in Gemini, the Twins of the Zodiac with all their duality and compatibility. Gemini is the third sign in the zodiac and with that they are always looking to make, create or to have a bigger party. They are super curious and adventurous, so if lately you are looking into astral planes and wanting to travel to them it might be from the power of this Full Moon. Gemini’s are all about asking the WHY? And Getting to the bottom of the situation is  usually through heated but loving conversations. Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury and like the wing footed God they love to roam not only around the world but everyones business. So be watchful of how you interact this full moon, try and keep the conversations educational or interesting and light and try not to gossip. 

Remember this Full Moon there is no rush! Slow down get grounded and enjoy the show. What do they always say, “its the journey not the destination, ”stop and and smell the roses”, “ hey live in the present”! Well all those cliques are for the ever moving Gemini.  Just know you are not going to miss out on a thing and that its ok to look around once and a while.

Full Moon energy is the birth phase, the mother arch-type. The giver of ideas that have been planted during the crescent moon phase. So think back to what you were try to manifest two weeks ago…..remember the candle meditation and the journal prompts? Go back to them and see if you have made the changes for re birth and renewal.  Its fun when you use the Moon as a time keeper.  Moon tracking helps us reconnect to ourselves and our environment giving us beautiful light to help guide us to the next phase. 

This full moon reminds us that growth takes patience, hard work, understanding and faith. Patience to see things through, even though it seams impossible. Hard work by honing your skills and realizing mistakes make us better. Understanding that even though we work hard and have the patience of saint, somethings are just not meant for us. And Faith, lets face it its going to take a whole lot of faith to keep going sometimes but knowing that everything will work out the way it is suppose to.

So this full moon, go outside look at the moon and close your eyes.  If its not to cold stay for about 2 mins. Focus on your breath. Breathing in and out through your nose. Inhale to your lower lungs and belly. Sigh Exhale! Do that 10 times. Then go back inside and find that journal you wrote in and write down what you are super happy and grateful for. Then write down one or many things that you want to learn more about. Take the crystals that we gave you for example, maybe you want to explore how they are created in the earth. Or maybe there was a part of history you always wanted to explore?  Then be curious of why you picked what you picked and what you learned.

We hope you have a beautiful Full Moon.