Add Lemon to your water
Just add a squeeze!
Having beautiful fresh lemons in the home is always a great idea not only for the aesthetic but for the heath benefits.
Lemons are a rich source of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant. In fact, one squeezed lemon provides around 21% of a person’s daily value (DV).
Like other citrus fruits — including oranges, grapefruit, and limes — lemons are rich in flavonoids. These are compounds that help boost health and fight disease.
Make it hot or cold!
Make it into nice hot tonic!
Feeling a little under the weather? Or just need a hot drink that is full of goodness? Try this Recipe below
Squeeze half a lemon
A teaspoon of your favourite honey.
1 cinnamon stick
1 lemon wedge
Add everything into a cup with hot water…mmmmmmmm
Maybe try a hot toddy!
When I lived in Ireland this was a favourite of mine in the winter! If you like whiskey keep reading ;) It’s similar to the hot beverage from before.
Squeeze half a lemon
A teaspoon of honey
Cinnamon stick
1 orange wedge
1 oz of whisky……I love Black Bush from Northern Ireland
Your favourite tea…..I love Barry’s tea but any black tea will work
5 cloves
Stick the orange wedge with the 5 cloves, boil water and steep the tea (it should be a little dark). In a separate mug add the lemon juice, honey cinnamon stick and whiskey. Add the steeped tea and orange wedge……..mix and enjoy! Click below to find some fun facts about the Hot Toddy!