
Joanie has been teaching and practicing yoga for the past 10 years. As well as her experience in teaching she has taken multiple trainings creating her unique and diverse style of teaching. Joanie is a certified in Hatha Yoga-500h, Moksha Hot Yoga 500h, vinyasana-200h, YIN,/restorative yoga(within my level 2 training), Level II 200h C.O.R.E cycling for interval cycle training, animal flow level I.

She studied with her teacher Btu, an Iyengar trained hatha yoga teacher in Northern India for two months. HIs motto: “every class you teach will be different, as is every moment, student, and time of day, it all changes.”

Her aim in everyclass is to tailor for the individual and group. She works with your needs, goals, abilities and yoga experience. Her meditation discipline is in the Vipassana style. She sat her first 10-day silent sit in 2011. Joanie knows first hand that the practice of asana (poses) with meditation can benefit anyone’s life. 30/30® Cycle and Animal Flow has brought a new fresh element of fun and enjoyment to her life!

Joanie Chapple OWNS The Yoga Chapple with her twin Sister Claire.