What to expect this New Moon

Darkness to Light

Eclipses shake up the status quo and force us to examine every assumption. As the moon blocks out the light of the Sun, the darkness of a solar eclipse asks us to consider what shadowy situations we've been afraid to examine. Where have we been in denial or avoidance?

However we have a fire sign in the the new moon ( dark moon ) in this solar eclipse!!! Thank goddess there is a fire sign that can light the way through the darkness!  

With all things being in flux and the new moon representing the end and the beginning of things, death and rebirth we will be faced with the challenges of both. However we are lucky to have this new moon in Sagittarius, for this strong archer of the Zodiac can manifest this challenging energy through enlightenment, travel and truth seeking.  Think about Sagittarius arrows with fire at the end making it much easer to hit its targets in the dark. Sagittarius ruling plant is Jupiter, Jupiter symbolizes the need to see the whole picture, imagine seeing an ariel view of your world and from there you can see where you want to explore and what parts need to be worked on.  It shows us that we are connected to this huge Universe, and that we each have a purpose and to seek out the purpose within ourselves! 

The Sagittarius New Moon offers you hope, and all the wonderful things that hope brings. Instead of seeing a situation as it is, you will be able to imagine what your situation could be.

Well thats good news!! With the power of the new moon, the wise women is in her glory she is here to help wrap up all the baggage from the past few months.  The Wise women the symbol of the dark moon is seeking out what you need to let die, so that truth seeking Sagittarius with their fiery bow can hit the target you need and want most. 

Actually the Sagittarius archer is hoping to hit all the targets you have been manifesting in this last year with this New Moon energy of death and rebirth.   With that in mind ask your self What do I need to let go of? But like for real… order for truth seeking Sagittarius to find their mark you have to let them know where to shoot. Also you need to know that death of the things that no longer serve is going to be hard, and even seam wrong. But once you can be real with what you really want you realize that the things that are holding you back are not for you it will be easier to let them go.   There is also so much energy, power and optimism in this new moon that even the double darkness can not bring you down. Its because of this energy that you can get through anything at this time and have all the confidence to have all the arrows land where you want. The manifesting period lasts until the Sagittarius full supermoon on June 14, 2022. Oh, the places you could go!



Sagittarius is represented by the centaur, half human half beast. Four  feet connected to the ground and the human half connected to the cosmos, with arrows pointed high searching for the next target. 

Sagittarius is in the 9th house . The 9th house can represent the last push to the end, it is also the house of education and philosophy Need an answer to the question ? Sagittarius is going to seek out the answer.

Sagittarius is a fire sign. Fire signs are passionate and spontaneous and likes to gets things moving.

Personality traits of a Sagittarius

  • passionate

  • Curious

  • intense

  • adaptable

  • optimistic




I love to use candles in my Moon rituals. Especially during the new moon, when the moon is dark. During New Moons is where I contemplate and meditate on what is no longer serving my highest purpose. It is a time of reflection and viewing the last month and seeing what needs to be released. If you wish follow me in this candle ritual read below :)

New Moon Candle Ritual:

Light the candle with the intention of coming into silence and contemplation. This is your time so try and eliminate any distractions. You can even set an intention before you light the flame, ie,

“The light of this flame is to help me to connect to my higher purpose. To Illuminate what I need to let go of and what I wish to continue to work on”.

Once the flame is lit watch the flame and come into stillness . Watch the flame and try to think only about the flame. Any other thoughts try to release with every breath and the flickering light. Watch the flame for 3 to 5 minutes. After write down anything that has been bothering you over the past month. It can be anything, small or large. Use the flame to burn the list. Set an intention ask for guidance to help release what no longer serves you.

The blown out the candle represent the death of the old ways. Relighting the candle to welcome the new . Once the candle is relit write for another 5 bring into your life .

Thank yourself for showing up and taking time for you. Blow out the candle and let the smoke be the message to the universe.

I keep the list in my journal to look back on to the next moon phase.

I hope this resonate with you.

Happy New Moon!!!